
Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Blinky Palermo, Times of the Day I–VI (1974–76)

I found this photo while rummaging through old files on my laptop, and realized how much I want to revisit Dia:Beacon.  This particular work by Blinky Palermo is on long-term installation there, and includes 25 different canvases that represent the various lightness or darkness of the times of the day, from sunrise to sunset.

Have you been to Dia:Beacon?  I'd love to hear about your experience there.

Dress: Alexandre Herchcovitch
Sandals: Sam Edelman

Photo by Meri Feir.


  1. I have only been to Dia Beacon once, but I loved everything about it: superb collection, relaxing setting and grounds, thoughtful layout, and the attention to details, such as not having artist/piece information tagged directly below or to the side of the work (but rather around the corner). I think what I appreciated the most was the sensitivity to the placement of the works, especially Richard Serra’s "Union of the Torus and Sphere." Part of my memorable experience there was being tuned into Robert Irwin's masterplan for the museum and design for the outdoor spaces - I went there after reading Lawrence Weschler's "Seeing Is Forgetting: The Name of the Thing One Sees, A Life of Contemporary Artist Robert Irwin" a brilliant book about Irwin. If Irwin is an artist's artist, I feel like Dia Beacon is a musuem's museum.

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