
Tuesday, October 29, 2013


5 Pointz Aerosol Art Center, Inc. (also known as the Institute of Higher Burnin') is a converted warehouse space in Long Island City in Queens, which is completely covered with graffiti.  It originated as a safe place for graffiti artists to write, in order to discourage vandalism.  Writers from all over the world have tagged the city-block-sized abandoned warehouse, and it's been the site of some of the most compelling street art in the five boroughs--hence the name 5 Pointz.  This year, a $400 million residential project was approved, which will require demolition of the site.  In my protest, I hit 5 Pointz in a blank canvas dress, in search of writers who wanted to make their mark.

Tags by Kid Lew, Kazu, Shiro Japan!, and others.

Dress: H&M
Tagged with aerosol spray paint & Sharpies
Boots: Franco Sarto
Purse: Marc by Marc Jacobs

Photos by Kathy Paciello and myself.


  1. I adore this, plain and simple. What a cool way to get a one-of-a-kind dress!

    1. Thank you, Bridget! It was a lot of fun. It's a good conversation icebreaker, too. :-)

  2. amazing. great post. love everything about it.

  3. Oh my goodness ... just discovered you via StyleLikeU and I'm enchanted by your style, energy and eye for colour and detail ... damn, you're going straight to my blog roll! x

  4. Ariel, a friend of mine went to 5 Pointz to photograph some of the art in November, and he went back recently to document the whitewashing. (I guess they're not demolishing after all?) Here is a heartbreaking photo of his (but you can see that someone has come back and tagged over the whitewash):
